SmartObject Method Reference Wizard - Bind Method Input Parameters

SmartObject Method Reference Wizard - Input Mapping

The Input Mapping screen enables the user to assign and delete references between SmartObject properties/parameters and Process level Data Fields. Parameters and Input Properties can be required or optional. They are grouped together on the Input Mapping screen. Parameters are listed first, then properties. Parameters are dependent on the Service Object it is mapped to.

Fig. 1. SmartObject Method Reference Wizard - Input Mapping screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Name The name of the Input field N/A
Type Indicates whether it is a SmartObject Property or a SmartObject Parameter N/A
DataType The Data Type of the SmartObject Property or Parameter N/A
Required Indicates whether the Property or Parameter is required for the specific method N/A
Value The Process Data Field bound to the Input field N/A
Assign Assign a mapping to a Property or Parameter Select the SmartObject Property or Parameter in the list of Input fields and click Assign to select the Process Data Field that must be bound to the SmartObject Property or Parameter
Clear Deletes a mapping on a specific property or parameter Select the reference to be deleted and click Clear
Clear All Deletes all mappings To delete all the displayed references click Clear
Input fields must be bound to a Process level Data Field for the Reference to be created

Assign a mapping

On selecting the Assign option the Map 'XX' to window will be displayed. Browse to the required Process Data Field that will be bound to the selected SmartObject Property or Parameter and click Add.

Context Browser

Fig. 2. SmartObject Method Reference Wizard - Map 'XX' to screen

The Process Data Field will display in the Value column next to the referenced SmartObject Input field.

Context Browser

Fig. 3. SmartObject Method Reference Wizard - Mapping

It is also possible to filter SmartObject methods. To do so see the following topics:

SmartObject Filter

SmartObject Filter - Using Single Method

SmartObject Filter - Using List Method

SmartObject Filtering - This is a How To example



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)